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Police in a Pod 21 - Manga

  • Manga

Miko Yasu / Miko Yasu

About this eBook

"He's already this annoying within four seconds of meeting." Despite having arrested Shiotani, who was in charge of the bank transfer fraud group, Machiyama station is unusually busy dealing with the subsequent cases. Minamoto, who hasn't seen Yamada for a long time due to a special investigation, is annoyed within four seconds of meeting him and not being able to see Chief Fuji as she's also a part of the special investigation, Kawai becomes more aware of Seiko's absence... Thanks to Director Nakatomi's thoughtful arrangement, there are developments in the pairs of interest which include the pair of girls going to the hot springs and the romance between Kawai and Kisaragi!

Product Details

Series Title Police in a Pod
Japanese Title ハコヅメ~交番女子の逆襲~ (Hakozume: Koban Joshi no Gyakushuu)
Writer Miko Yasu
Artist Miko Yasu
Publisher Kodansha
Genre Manga ,Seinen ,Slice of Life ,Workplace ,Anime ,Anime-adaptation coupon
Available since February 14, 2023 (12:00 AM) PT / February 14, 2023 (05:00 PM) JST
Page count 160pages (*Note)

US $10.99

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