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Jessica Bannister and the Vengeful Spectres - Fiction

  • Fiction

Janet Farell / ttl

About this eBook

Revenge is a dish best served as cold as the grave, especially if the actions of the living have put you there. Question is, how do you get a ghost to move on when all they really care about is avenging whatever made them one in the first place?

Supernatural gifts can be a boon and a burden in equal measures, as investigative reporter Jessica Bannister is finding out. While she often finds them helpful for solving mysteries of the paranormal kind, they have an unerring tendency to place her slap bang in the path of malevolent spirits hell-bent on vengeance for wrongs they feel were committed to them in life. It's fair to say the London City Observer's number one journalist would have a much easier life if she wasn't constantly having to deal with poltergeists, killer waxworks, witches, and demons all setting their sights on her while she's busy trying to unearth her latest scoop. Unfortunately for her, it seems to be par for the course, and even though death is stalking her around every corner, she remains determined to help the innocent and bag the story her readers desire, even if it means scrambling over broken glass or walking through fire to get it!

Product Details

Series Title Jessica Bannister
Author Janet Farell
Artist ttl
Publisher J-Novel Club
Genre Fiction ,Mystery ,Supernatural ,Non-Human ,Romance
Available since May 02, 2022 (12:00 AM) PT / May 02, 2022 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 374pages (*Note)

US $7.99

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