With the aid of a Death Instructor he met at the Kamisunda Theater, Orphen disguises himself as one of the faithful and infiltrates Kimluck. On their way, they're surrounded, and an intelligence operative comes to their rescue. But can he be trusted?
With the aid of a Death Instructor he met at the Kamisunda Theater, Orphen disguises himself as one of the Kimluck Church faithful and infiltrates the city. On the way to the holy grounds, they find themselves surrounded by Kimluck believers, and a sorcerer intelligence operative comes to their rescue, taking them to an underground waterway he says leads to the holy grounds. But can he really be trusted?
Copyright (C) 2011 Yoshinobu Akita Illustrations Copyright (C) 2015 Yuuya Kusaka
Series Title | Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: The Wayward Journey |
Japanese Title | 魔術士オーフェンはぐれ旅 (Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi) |
Alternative Title | Sorcerer Stabber Orphen |
Author | Yoshinobu Akita |
Artist | Yuuya Kusaka |
Publisher | J-Novel Club |
Genre | Light Novels ,Anime ,Action ,Comedy ,Fantasy ,Supernatural ,Full-size Illustration ,Winter Anime 2021 ,Winter Anime 2023 ,Spring Anime 2023 ,Anime-adaptation coupon ,Anime adaptation coupon |
Available since | September 20, 2020 (12:00 AM) PT / September 20, 2020 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 142pages (*Note) |
US $7.99
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