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My [Repair] Skill Became a Versatile Cheat, So I Think I'll Open a Weapon Shop Vol. 5 - Manga

  • Manga

Ginga Hoshikawa / Yukimi Enoki

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In need of some quality base materials to make Garnet a new sword, Luke and his bodyguard take a trip to visit Travis' ex-adventuring buddy, now a talented blacksmith. With negotiations a success, the pair start for home, only to run headlong into a torrential rainstorm. They decide to shelter at an inn, but there's only one private room left...Meanwhile, Sakura is intent on repeating her father's efforts to channel divine power with her hihi'irokane katana, and Noir faces her greatest test of courage yet when a mysterious cloaked figure prowls toward the White Wolf Arms in the dead of night.

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