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You Haven't Seen The Best Of Me!, Chapter 15 - Manga

  • Manga
  • Chapter Release

Toi Meguri

About this eBook

If all the world's a stage, then are all the men and women really merely players? For Sakuya, it all started out as an innocent game: "Why don't you pretend to be a girl and approach my brother?" Yuuki said. "That's a great idea!" responded Sakuya who unbeknownst to him would begin to discover he and Yuuki's brother shared not only many things in common but mutual feelings for each other. Known as Sakura to Yuuki's brother, Sakuya finds himself caught between a rock and a hard place as his feelings for Yuuki's brother continue to increase. Will Sakuya have the courage to confess his real identity and feelings to Yuuki's brother and will Yuuki's brother be able to accept Sakuya for who he really is? Find out in "You Haven't Seen the Best of Me," a light-hearted rom-com sure to make you smile.

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Product Details

Series Title You Haven't Seen The Best Of Me!, Chapter Collections
Japanese Title 君は僕を見ていない (Kimi wa Boku wo Miteinai)
Author Toi Meguri
Publisher MediBang(global)
Genre Manga ,Boy's Love / Yaoi ,Romance ,Chapter Release
Available since May 14, 2019 (12:00 AM) PT / May 14, 2019 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 26pages (*Note)

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