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Descending Stories Volume 10 - Manga

  • Manga
  • Completed

Haruko Kumota / Haruko Kumota

About this eBook


After the last remaining yose in Tokyo burns down, the future of rakugo is more uncertain than ever. But even without a theater to perform in, Yotaro is still adamant on keeping rakugo alive. Meanwhile, Yakumo makes his way through the underworld, but to pass on to the peace he so desperately craves, he’ll need to finally, and literally, lay his ghosts to rest. The saga of a generation of love, art, and storytelling concludes and begins again…


Product Details

Series Title Descending Stories
Japanese Title 昭和元禄落語心中 (Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu)
Alternative Title Showa and Genroku Era Lover's Suicide Through Rakugo
Author Haruko Kumota
Artist Haruko Kumota
Publisher Kodansha
Genre Manga ,Drama ,Josei ,Anime ,Completed Series
Available since December 11, 2018 (12:00 AM) PT / December 11, 2018 (05:00 PM) JST
Page count 178pages (*Note)

US $10.99

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