To the high elf Cayna, legendary Skill Master from the past, nothing is insurmountable—not even a terrible truth about the world of Leadale. After bouncing back from the shock, she’s ready to set off on a new journey to the northern Kingdom of Helshper. But the trek may prove more perilous than it seems. How will Cayna and her company manage to deal with dangerous obstacles, vicious bandits, and even…a haunted well?!
Series Title | In the Land of Leadale Manga (Manga) |
Original author | Ceez |
By (artist) | Dashio Tsukimi / Ryo Suzukaze / Tenmaso |
Letterer | Elena Pizarro Lanzas |
Translated by | Leighann Harvey |
Publisher | Yen Press |
Genre | Manga ,Fantasy ,Adventure ,Isekai (Different/Another World) ,Slice of Life ,Video Games / Game Adaptation / Game Elements ,Elves ,Anime ,Anime-adaptation coupon |
Available since | March 21, 2023 (12:00 AM) PT / March 21, 2023 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 164pages (*Note) |
US $6.99
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