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Domestic Girlfriend Volume 24 - Manga

  • Manga
  • Completed

Kei Sasuga

About this eBook

The scandalous love story from ""Good Ending"" author Kei Sasuga! Natsuo just found out he's got two new family members... Rui, the girl who took his virginity, and Hina, the high school teacher he can't get off his mind! A pure yet tempestuous love triangle, all under one roof!

In Natsuo's hour of need, the Boss appears! After seeing her beloved brother in danger, Hina reaches a decision. Meanwhile, love blossoms both in New York and at college! Kajita gets closer to Rui, and Miyabi steels herself and makes her move! Among this tangled web of romance, one story reaches its conclusion!

Product Details

Series Title Domestic Girlfriend
Japanese Title ドメスティックな彼女 (Domestic na Kanojo)
Alternative Title Dome x Kano, DomeKano
Writer Kei Sasuga
Publisher Kodansha
Genre Manga ,Anime ,Ecchi ,Drama ,Romance ,School Life ,Shounen ,Completed Series ,Onee-san ,Mature ,Teacher ,Family
Available since April 14, 2020 (12:00 AM) PT / April 14, 2020 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 191pages (*Note)
Chapters included in this volume Domestic Girlfriend Chapter 226
Domestic Girlfriend Chapter 227
Domestic Girlfriend Chapter 228
Domestic Girlfriend Chapter 229
Domestic Girlfriend Chapter 230
Domestic Girlfriend Chapter 231
Domestic Girlfriend Chapter 232
Domestic Girlfriend Chapter 233
Domestic Girlfriend Chapter 234
Domestic Girlfriend Chapter 235

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