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  • Manga

Machi Suehiro

About this eBook

Zen and Ryo have been rivals since high school. By chance, they get jobs in the same company and start competing against each other. Both are sore losers. And one day, when they are having drinks after work, the topic turns to love and romance and the argument gets heated as usual, only to find out that they have a silly competition to see who will cum first is the loser. That naturally leads to the intercourse but still disputing on the bed, they come up with the next new competition...whoever makes the other fall first is the winner! Both are good at business but too bad at love, what will become of Zen and Ryo's love competition !?

Product Details

Series Title FAKE FACT LIPS (Manga)
Author Machi Suehiro
Genre Manga ,Boy's Love / Yaoi ,Romance ,Workplace
Available since May 19, 2023 (12:00 AM) PT / May 19, 2023 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 230pages (*Note)

US $7.50

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