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My Instant Death Ability is So Overpowered, No One in This Other World Stands a Chance Against Me! Volume 7 - Light Novels

  • Light Novel
  • Full Illust

Tsuyoshi Fujitaka / Chisato Naruse

About this eBook

Leaving their growing entourage behind, Yogiri and Tomochika set sail on a cruise ship for the eastern island nation of Ent. But as always seems to be the case, things don't go quite as planned, and after attacks from pirates and the rebirth of an ancient High Wizard, they find their ship sinking with no land in sight.

With the help of a mysterious ancient-dragon-turned-young-boy named Kouryu, they manage to escape the damaged vessel and just make it to shore in time. But as they continue on their journey to the Empire of Ent in search of the Sage Yoshifumi and the Philosopher's Stone he possesses, they are met with new obstacles as the twin goddesses Malna and Rilna finally begin to take measures to deal with Yogiri...sort of.

After their cruise ship is wrecked at sea, Yogiri and Tomochika make it back to land with a little help. They continue their search for Ent and the Philosopher's Stone that waits there as Malna and Rilna finally step in to take action against Yogiri.

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