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Sgt. Frog, Vol. 3 - Manga

  • Manga

Mine Yoshizaki

About this eBook

Sergeant Major Kululu-Keroro Platoon's recently recovered tactical officer-has a thing or two up his arsenal. Kululu is planning an extreme makeover for Earth, and his new weapon of mass reduction (in age, that is) will transform the entire planet into helpless children! But where can a fugitive alien find test subjects for such diabolical weapons? Where indeed but at the Hinata household!

Product Details

Series Title Sgt. Frog
Japanese Title ケロロ軍曹 (Keroro Gunsou)
Alternative Title Sergeant Frog, Sergeant Keroro
Author Mine Yoshizaki
Publisher VIZ Media
Genre Manga ,School Life ,Sci-fi ,Shounen ,Anime
Available since March 02, 2015 (07:00 AM) PT / March 03, 2015 (12:00 AM) JST
Page count 185pages (*Note)

US $4.99

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