After their showdown, Negi asks Tota to follow in his footsteps. The request brings Tota and Kirie to Kyoto in search of an old workshop owned by Nagi Springfield, Negi's father and Tota's great-grandfather. But uncovering the workshop isn't such an easy task, and with Kirie struggling over her conflicted feelings for Tota, the trip might be more than the two of them can handle.
(C) Ken Akamatsu / Kodansha Ltd.
Series Title | UQ Holder |
Japanese Title | UQ HOLDER! |
Alternative Title | Yuukyuu Holder, Eternal Holder, UQ Holder!: Mahou Sensei Negima! 2 |
Author | Ken Akamatsu |
Publisher | Kodansha |
Genre | Manga ,Sci-fi ,Fantasy ,Action ,Anime ,Magic ,Onee-san ,Non-Human ,Vampires |
Available since | July 31, 2018 (12:00 AM) PT / July 31, 2018 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 178pages (*Note) |
Chapters included in this volume | UQ Holder, Chapter 133 UQ Holder, Chapter 134 UQ Holder, Chapter 135 UQ Holder, Chapter 136 |
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