Detective Shiroshi and his pet assistant Seiji venture to Okuhida to investigate a baffling old case involving people being attacked in the streets. At their ryokan in the mountains, which burn with all the colors of fall, the pair are greeted by a serpent writhing in darkness and the corpse of the landlady, who died suddenly the previous night. Time passes, and another mysterious death occurs alluding to the so-called "serpent’s curse.” Yet Shiroshi seems to know the true culprit behind the murders, as well as their tragic motives...
Series Title | Hell Is Dark with No Flowers (light novel) |
By (author) | Yoru Michio |
Publisher | Yen On |
Genre | Light Novels ,Horror ,Mystery ,Psychological ,Seinen |
Available since | May 13, 2025 (12:00 AM) PT / May 13, 2025 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 0pages (*Note) |
Release date:
May 13 (12:00 AM) PT
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