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Catalog of Wonders, Vol. 2 - Light Novels

  • Light Novel

Chizutokouro / Cal Hampton / Kei Mochizuki

Catalog of Wonders, Vol. 2

About this eBook

Road Seeds that create a path just for you. A Perfect Prize Postcard that gets you the exact number of prizes you ask for. Labels that change any book’s ending to an unhappy one. All these and many more astonishing items from the mysterious girl Nozome’s catalog can be yours! But buyer beware: No matter how smart or how clever you are, there’s no telling what these amazing products have in store...

Product Details

Series Title Catalog of Wonders (Light Novels)
By (author) Chizutokouro
Translated by Cal Hampton
By (artist) Kei Mochizuki
Publisher Yen On
Genre Light Novels
Available since March 18, 2025 (12:00 AM) PT / March 18, 2025 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 0pages (*Note)

Release date:
Mar 18 (12:00 AM) PT

US $3.99

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