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Shibuya Goldfish, Vol. 9 - Manga

  • Manga

Hiroumi Aoi / Abigail Blackman / Ko Ransom

About this eBook

The Shibuya survivors are heartened by Yodoyabashi’s plan to release a pathogen that will infect and destroy the masses of massive goldfish throughout the city. Unfortunately, executing her plan will require specialized equipment and another risky operation into goldfish territory. Speed is essential to prevent the mutating monsters from rendering the infection FUTILE-and no one takes care of business faster than the Shibuya Sable!

Product Details

Series Title Shibuya Goldfish
Japanese Title 渋谷金魚 (Shibuya Kingyo)
By (author) Hiroumi Aoi
Letterer Abigail Blackman
Translated by Ko Ransom
Publisher Yen Press
Genre Manga ,Action ,Drama ,Horror ,Shounen ,Supernatural
Available since June 01, 2021 (12:00 AM) PT / June 01, 2021 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 198pages (*Note)

US $6.99

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