"I hadn't planned for this, but... I couldn't help myself after seeing your sexy expression." Tomoe, an office worker, finally gets the chance to see his favourite pink movie on the big screen at a local theater. But just as he takes his seat, a man blocks his view to proposition him like it's a cruising spot! While he's lost for words, an attractive young man named Kumano comes to his rescue! While they're chatting alone in the bathroom, they catch snippets of the movie's audio through the wall. Kumano whispers one of the lines in his ear. Unexpectedly, the warmth of his voice and his breath turns Tomoe on. Then, Kumano puts his hand down Tomoe's pants with the practiced expertise of a man who's put on those moves hundreds of times. What's happening...!?
(C)Yoko Misumi/Mobile Media Research
Series Title | See You at the Pink Porno (Manga) |
Author | Yoko Misumi |
Publisher | Mobile Media Research |
Genre | Manga ,Boy's Love / Yaoi ,Chapter Release ,Completed Series |
Available since | March 31, 2022 (12:00 AM) PT / March 31, 2022 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 27pages (*Note) |
US $1.50
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