Perfect is the Enemy of Good
Philia's family has produced saints for generations. It's no surprise that she's known as the greatest saint of all time--and set to marry the second prince, Julius. What no one expects is for Julius to call off the engagement, claiming that Philia's perfection makes her charmless and unlikable. To add insult to injury, Philia is packed off to a neighboring country in exchange for gold and resources, forcing her to leave her homeland!
Despite bracing herself for mistreatment, Philia finds a warm welcome in her new town, where she puts her saintly abilities to good use erecting barriers against monsters and curing epidemics. But even as she flourishes in her new life, her homeland is under threat of destruction!
© 2021 Fuyutsuki Koki
Series Title | The Too-Perfect Saint: Tossed Aside by My Fiancé and Sold to Another Kingdom (Light Novels) |
Author | Fuyutsuki Koki |
Artist | Masami |
Publisher | Seven Seas Entertainment |
Genre | Light Novels ,Full-size Illustration |
Available since | January 09, 2025 (12:00 AM) PT / January 09, 2025 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 315pages (*Note) |
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