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Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers Vol. 4 - Manga

  • Manga

Miya Kinojo / Akine Itomachi

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Banaza--now Flio for good--and Rys have managed to become a true happy couple despite being different species. Unfortunately, Flio's incredible cheat powers mean that he remains the most powerful piece on the board of this strange new world. Princess Elizabeth of Klyrode pays a visit to Flio to apologize for the cruelty with which her father's kingdom treated him, and to entice him into her web. Meanwhile, Gholl, the Big, Bad Dark One himself, faces a growing faction of demonkind that doesn't take too kindly to his ongoing association with Flio and other humans. Flio, with his unreal cheat powers, can change the course of the war and the fate of the world! Will he use his strength to destroy his enemies, or his essential kindness to bring peace to the world?

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