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Of the Red, the Light, and the Ayakashi, Vol. 3 - Manga

  • Manga
  • Completed

HaccaWorks* / Nanao / Alexis Eckerman and more

About this eBook

The mystery of Utsuwa has been revealed-created by Shin, the peculiar town exists to ensure a source of sustenance for the local ayakashi. As Yue struggles with this new knowledge, Akiyoshi begins to have doubts about their friendship. But while his companions are occupied with their conflicting emotions, Tougo finds himself on the menu for a stray ayakashi's ultimate Meal!!

Product Details

Series Title Of the Red, the Light and the Ayakashi
Japanese Title あかやあかしやあやかしの (Aka ya Akashi ya Ayakashi no)
Alternative Title AkaAka
By (author) HaccaWorks*
By (artist) Nanao
Letterer Alexis Eckerman
Translated by Jocelyne Allen
Publisher Yen Press
Genre Manga ,Shoujo ,Mystery ,Supernatural ,Drama ,Completed Series
Available since June 30, 2016 (08:00 AM) PT / July 01, 2016 (12:00 AM) JST
Page count 166pages (*Note)

US $6.99

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