Ten Mogami has lost his mother in an unforeseen accident and lives together with his father. After being told that his father has also passed way in an accident at sea, Ten's overwhelmed with grief. Ikuo Manka, Ten's childhood friend, decides to ignore his one-sided love for the boy and instead focus on protecting him. However, everything takes an unexpected turn when a young man visits Ten a few days after the funeral. He introduces himself as Kei Sadoshima and tells Ten that his father was more than a simple fisherman; he was the famous mystery novelist, Tatsu Furui. As the person in charge of managing Tatsu Furui's assets, Kei lets Ten know that he has a right to his inheritance. The surprises don't stop there. Kei makes another announcement: Tatsu Furui has another son from an unofficial marriage. This leaves Ten with mixed feelings. He's aghast, but at the same time happy that he still has living relatives. Soon after Kei leaves, Ten clings to Ikuo's chest, sobbing. "I won't make a habit out of this, but can you stay for a bit?" he asks through tears as Ikuo holds him tight.
©Sanba Maekawa/macaronRINX
Series Title | A Love Note from the Sky (Manga) |
art | Sanba Maekawa |
Publisher | macaronRINX_ |
Genre | Manga ,Boy's Love / Yaoi ,Completed Series ,Slice of Life ,Romance ,Drama ,Chapter Release |
Available since | August 16, 2022 (12:00 AM) PT / August 16, 2022 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 27pages (*Note) |
US $2.00
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