Red Riding Hood, stained crimson with blood...
To its heir, the illustrious Kuonji estate promises eternal life. The price the heir must pay for this sublime honor, however, is a pound of flesh--that of his or her brothers and sisters and extracted by his or her own hands......The prospect of having to fight her beloved elder sister "Red Riding Hood" Claire to the death sends Stella into a dizzying spiral of despair. And then, out comes her other self, "Bloody Alice," whispering in her ear--
"This is our fate!"
As the White Rabbit and Zeno, her first love, watch over the battle-worn Stella, what is it that creeps ever nearer to her and her destiny--? never going home to Grandmother's house.
Series Title | Alice in Murderland |
Japanese Title | 架刑のアリス (Kakei no Alice) |
By (author) | Kaori Yuki |
Translated by | William Flanagan |
Letterer | Lys Blakeslee |
Publisher | Yen Press |
Genre | Manga ,Shoujo ,Mystery ,Fantasy ,Psychological ,Supernatural ,Action ,Romance ,Drama ,Completed Series ,Cats |
Available since | November 30, 2018 (12:00 AM) PT / November 30, 2018 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 176pages (*Note) |
US $6.99
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