The continuation of the popular manga, Imaizumin Brings All the Gyarus To His House! See how one guy's place becomes the go-to for games, gossip, and so much more.
Imaizumi lives a life that most high school boys could only dream of! During the day, he attends his classes like any dutiful student, only to return each evening to a home full of hotties! It seems his home has become the go-to hangout for the coolest gyarus in town. From endless gossip fests to snack binges to getting downright physical with his three new housemates, his once-quiet abode is now buzzing with non-stop energy and exciting escapades. Can Imaizumi keep up with the lively antics of his lusty gal pals?
© 2022 Gorou Nori
Series Title | Imaizumi Brings All the Gals to His House (Manga) |
Author | Gorou Nori |
Publisher | Seven Seas Entertainment |
Genre | Manga |
Available since | December 10, 2024 (12:00 AM) PT / December 10, 2024 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 150pages (*Note) |
US $9.99
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