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Can You Just Die, My Darling? Volume 2 - Manga

  • Manga
  • Completed

Majuro Kaname / Sousou Sakakibara

About this eBook

The unpredictable romance thriller returns with volume 2!

Only ruin awaits Kamishiro. He's been infected with a virus that confuses his love for Hanazono with an intense murderous desire to kill her! But through Hanazono's praise, a dormant power has been awakened within him... The power to see every little detail, even in complete darkness! Kamishiro keeps meeting people with the same disease... Where is the infection coming from? And who is the man stepping out from behind the curtain?

Product Details

Series Title Can You Just Die, My Darling?
Japanese Title 今夜は月が綺麗ですが、とりあえず死ね (Konya wa Tsuki ga Kirei desu ga, Toriaezu Shine)
Alternative Title I love you, so I kill you., The moon is beautiful tonight, but first, die.
Author Majuro Kaname
Artist Sousou Sakakibara
Publisher Kodansha
Genre Manga ,Drama ,Horror ,Romance ,School Life ,Shounen ,Supernatural ,Completed Series
Available since July 03, 2018 (12:00 AM) PT / July 03, 2018 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 184pages (*Note)

US $10.99

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