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Culinary Chronicles of the Court Flower: Volume 3 - Light Novels

  • Light Novel

Miri Mikawa / Kasumi Nagi

About this eBook

As Konkoku struggles to negotiate with the isolationist Saisakoku, Rimi is appointed as Shohi's personal chef. Now, she is spending less time with Shusei, who recently realized his feelings for Rimi. What will come of this unfortunate love triangle?

Konkoku has finally initiated a dialogue to form diplomatic relations with the country of Saisakoku, which has remained isolated from most of the world for a century. To relieve Emperor Shohi of his exhaustion and rage from the tough negotiations, Rimi is appointed as his personal chef. While she happily accepts the honor, Rimi is gradually losing the time she can spend with cuisinology scholar Shusei. She also finds herself butting heads with the Chief of Dining, Yo Koshin. Meanwhile, Shusei has realized his feelings for Rimi and does his best to suppress them. What will come of this unfortunate love triangle?

Product Details

Series Title Culinary Chronicles of the Court Flower
Japanese Title 一華後宮料理帖 (Ikka Koukyuu Ryourichou)
Author Miri Mikawa
Artist Kasumi Nagi
Publisher J-Novel Club
Genre Light Novels ,Drama ,Fantasy ,Historical ,Food ,Shoujo ,Harem ,Royalty/Nobility
Available since September 15, 2021 (12:00 AM) PT / September 15, 2021 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 187pages (*Note)

US $7.99

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