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Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers: Volume 5 - Light Novels

  • Light Novel
  • Full Illust

Miya Kinojo / Katagiri

About this eBook

Flio's twin children are growing up at an alarming speed. They're only a few months old, and they're already ready to start school! Flio has never had more responsibilities. Can he achieve work-life balance?

The twins Elinàsze and Garyl are growing up fast. Thanks to their mother Rys's demonic blood accelerating their growth, they're ready to start school at less than a year old. And since all signs point to them inheriting their father Flio's omnipotent power, they're proving to be quite a handful! Business at the Fli-o'-Rys General Store is also booming...
Meanwhile, the Dark One Yuigarde has pressed his victory too far and pursued the rebel devil Zanzibar into the desert on a fool's errand. The bulk of the Dark Army is occupied with his mad chase, while back at the Dark Citadel, the Infernal Four are still waiting for any word. With the demons fighting among themselves, the war between humans and demons has ground to a halt. Flio's dream of a peaceful world has never been closer at hand.
Is this the end of the Dark Army? Can old wounds be healed so easily? What will become of Zanzibar and Yuigarde? And can Flio achieve work-life balance? Either way, the future looks chill.

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