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A Girl and Her Guard Dog 5 - Manga

  • Manga


About this eBook

The princess in a family of gangsters, Isaku Senagaki... And the overprotective first lieutenant who fabricates his age to enroll in high school along with her to protect Isaku from venomous insects (men), Keiya Uto.
Isaku is torn between her desire to live a normal life and the appeal of living on the edge with Keiya...!
Meanwhile, the grandson of a different gangster, Mikio Tanuki has been tailing them left and right. What could he be planning?!
The culture festival is finally here!! Will class 1-3's rendition of Romeo and Juliet go off without a hitch?!

Product Details

Series Title A Girl & Her Guard Dog
Japanese Title お嬢と番犬くん (Ojou to Banken-kun)
Publisher Kodansha
Genre Manga ,Comedy ,Drama ,Romance ,School Life ,Shoujo ,Fall Anime 2023 ,Anime-adaptation coupon ,Anime adaptation coupon
Available since June 15, 2021 (12:00 AM) PT / June 15, 2021 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 158pages (*Note)

US $10.99

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