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Magus of the Library 4 - Manga

  • Manga

Mitsu Izumi

About this eBook

A Student Among Masters

Theo has returned to Aftzaak, the magisterial City of Books. Passing the exams to become a kafna was hard enough. Now he has to compete against his fellow trainees–fighters and geniuses one and all–to prove that he has what it takes to achieve his dreams and ascend to the Central Library's elite. Under the watchful eyes of his wise seniors and teachers, including his youthful mentor Sedona, Theo begins to awaken to the sublime fate and impossible challenges that history has prepared for him...

Product Details

Series Title Magus of the Library
Japanese Title 図書館の大魔術師 (Toshokan no Daimajutsushi)
Alternative Title 圕の大魔術師
Writer Mitsu Izumi
Publisher Kodansha
Genre Manga ,Adventure ,Fantasy ,Seinen
Available since January 26, 2021 (12:00 AM) PT / January 26, 2021 (05:00 PM) JST
Page count 242pages (*Note)

US $10.99

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