After a tiring and eventful school year Onizuka takes a break from the classroom and for his school break he decides escape the pressures of work by heading back home to the lazy surfers village of Shonan. Back in his hometown, he runs into friend of his significant other who runs an orphanage called the White Swan Youth Home. An orphan himself, Onizuka decides to help the home with hopes to help the kids in the same manner he does at school.
Onizuka does not know when to quit when his kids' lives are on the line. And after rescuing one from the clutches of the underworld, he gets a chance to mend bridges with an old acquaintance. An old partner of his from his high school days is apparently working at the White Swan also trying to change the lives of children, one heart at a time. Unfortunately for this person, her heart might still need some mending from a difficult break up that occurred a few years back along the shores of sunny shonan.
Also another old "friend", makes another appearance in the GTO universe. Legendary Vice-Principal Uchiyamada is back on the hunt as he is desperate to find Onizuka. After hearing that the GTO was passing his time in Shonan, Uchiyamada takes time from his family vacation to scour the country to force Onizuka to resign and hopefully ask for retribution for the trouble the GTO forced on his prestigious academy.
GTO: 14 Days in Shonan Toru Fujisawa/Kodansha Ltd.
Series Title | GTO: 14 Days in Shonan |
Writer | Toru Fujisawa |
Publisher | Kodansha |
Genre | Manga ,Seinen ,Completed Series ,Comedy ,School Life ,Ecchi ,Teacher |
Available since | February 01, 2022 (12:00 AM) PT / February 01, 2022 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 202pages (*Note) |
US $10.99
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