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Magical Girl Apocalypse Vol. 7 - Manga

  • Manga
  • Completed

Kentaro Sato

About this eBook


Awakening in a parallel world where the apocalypse didn't occur, Kii and the others find answers that only lead to more questions, namely, who is the true mastermind behind all this and what is their ultimate goal? Meanwhile, Himeji moves forward in his evil plot to use the magical girls of the ninth generation, with Tsukune as the only obstacle standing in his way. With the assistance of a mysterious scientist from the future and the Alternative Magicals, Kii and his companions seek to protect this world and their own futures from Himeji's dreams of domination. Can the power of hope and love win out against the raw power of a demon?

Product Details

Series Title Magical Girl Apocalypse
Japanese Title 魔法少女・オブ・ジ・エンド (Mahou Shoujo of the End)
Alternative Title Mahou Shoujo OTE, Magical Girl of the End
Author/Artist Kentaro Sato
Publisher Seven Seas Entertainment
Genre Manga ,Seinen ,Horror ,Supernatural ,Ecchi ,Romance ,Drama ,Magic ,Completed Series ,Magical Girl
Available since October 12, 2017 (12:00 AM) PT / October 12, 2017 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 212pages (*Note)

US $9.99

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