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Jack Frost, Vol. 3 - Manga

  • Manga
  • Completed

JinHo Ko / JiEun Park

About this eBook

Noh-A watches in fear as Omu strikes down Maru, the last offspring of
the Unicorn. With the last obstacle removed and Jack fighting elsewhere
in the forest, Omu seizes the Antler of the Unicorn. In an effort to
snatch Noh-A's immortality for himself, Omu plunges the Antler deep into
her chest. But as the sharp horn pierces her heart, Noh-A is greeted
not by death, but by life. Her real life - the life she had before she
found herself in Amityville. Though she has longed to uncover the
mystery of her forgotten past, nothing could have prepared Noh-A for
what she sees...

Product Details

Series Title Jack Frost
Created by JinHo Ko
Translated by JiEun Park
Publisher Yen Press
Genre Manga ,Completed Series
Available since January 18, 2018 (12:00 AM) PT / January 18, 2018 (05:00 PM) JST
Page count 200pages (*Note)

US $8.99

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