Sati chooses Yoh to become one of the Five Warriors, but first, she needs him to prove he's got what it takes—in Hell itself! He'll have to work his way back to the world of the living before he's strong enough to command the Five High Spirits...and to do that, he'll need to defeat the spirit of his ancestor, Yohken Asakura, who killed Hao 500 years ago. Meanwhile, Team Acala track down Ren, Joco, and Horohoro, intent on killing them before Yoh can make his return!
SHAMAN KING Hiroyuki Takei/Kodansha Ltd.
Series Title | SHAMAN KING |
Japanese Title | シャーマンキング (Shaman King) |
Alternative Title | Exotica, Funbari no Uta, The Poem of Funbari, The Song of Funbari |
Writer | Hiroyuki Takei |
Publisher | Kodansha |
Genre | Manga ,Shounen ,Completed Series ,Anime ,Adventure ,Comedy ,Supernatural ,Action ,Drama ,Video Games / Game Adaptation / Game Elements ,Winter Anime 2024 ,Anime-adaptation coupon ,Anime adaptation coupon |
Available since | November 16, 2021 (12:00 AM) PT / November 16, 2021 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 203pages (*Note) |
US $10.99
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