The Great Saint's Tale Begins...
It's three hundred years before Fia and her friends' adventures in Náv, and Princess Serafina, the blind second princess of the land, lives hidden away in the forest. With only the forest spirits and her cousin, the young knight captain Sirius Ulysses, to keep her company, Serafina leads a peaceful life. But one day, an incident causes mysterious powers to awaken within her, and Serafina takes her first steps on the path that will ultimately lead her to becoming the one and only Great Saint!
©Touya / chibi 2022
Series Title | A Tale of the Secret Saint ZERO (Light Novels) |
Author | Touya |
Artist | chibi |
Publisher | Seven Seas Entertainment |
Genre | Light Novels ,Full-size Illustration |
Available since | November 28, 2024 (12:00 AM) PT / November 28, 2024 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 321pages (*Note) |
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