Tokiyuki and his loyal retainers, the Elusive Warriors, take on the members of the Kanto Hisashiban, Takauji Ashikaga's stewards in charge of the defense of Kamakura. The members of the Hisashiban possess almost superhuman skills and abilities, as well as...unique personalities. Kojiro faces off against Shibukawa, the most formidable of the Hisashiban warriors, in a duel he must win—for if he loses, Tokiyuki's head will be forfeit! Tokiyuki himself must face the mad warrior Imagawa in a desperate contest of horsemanship to raise the morale of his entire army!...Rated:T
Series Title | The Elusive Samurai (Manga) |
Author | Yusei Matsui |
Publisher | VIZ Media |
Genre | Manga |
Available since | November 26, 2024 (12:00 AM) PT / November 26, 2024 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 199pages (*Note) |
US $6.99
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