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Forest of Piano 10 - Manga

  • Manga

Makoto Isshiki

About this eBook

This is a story about a piano, pitifully abandoned in the woods, and a young boy, Kai, who grew up playing it as his favorite toy. Now seventeen, Kai and Amamiya have traveled to Poland to take on the International Chopin Piano Competition. Amamiya hits the first-round stage, dazzling the audience a performance of unparalelled precision. And come the last day, it's finally time for Kai to unleash the forest piano!

Product Details

Series Title Forest of Piano
Japanese Title ピアノの森 (Piano no Mori)
Alternative Title The Perfect World of Kai, Piano Forest
Writer Makoto Isshiki
Publisher Kodansha
Genre Manga ,Comedy ,Drama ,Seinen ,Slice of Life ,Anime ,Music
Available since February 05, 2019 (12:00 AM) PT / February 05, 2019 (05:00 PM) JST
Page count 328pages (*Note)

US $12.99

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