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Her Majesty's Swarm: Volume 2 - Light Novels

  • Light Novel

616th Special Information Battalion / Eiri Iwamoto

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Grevillea and the Arachnea infiltrate the Dukedom of Schtraut, which will provide a shortcut to conquering the other nations. She and her elite squad work undercover through the local Adventurers' Guild as they investigate this new country.

After quickly conquering the great power of the north, the Kingdom of Maluk, Grevillea and the Arachnea prepare for their next war. They set their eyes on the Dukedom of Schtraut, a country of merchants northeast of their territory that will provide a shortcut to defeating the other nations.
Accompanied an elite squad of her strongest units, Grevillea sneaks into the Dukedom and begins gathering information on the country's topography, defenses, and culture. She and her group establish themselves as members of the local Adventurers' Guild, and they begin hunting monsters to fulfill the guild's quests. While they work to form connections, however, Grevillea secretly prepares to bare the Arachnea's fangs against the Dukedom...

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