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About this eBook

This TV drama-turned-manga deals with the everyday lives of three physicians in small-town Nijino. There's Saku, a strange man who's somehow an equally sincere surgeon. Next is Taiyou, a male nurse trying to overcome gender stereotypes. Finally, Masora is a young female internist with a secret. This series follows these three and their comical, heartfelt interactions with each other as well as the community of people that makes up their small town.

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Product Details

Series Title NIZI Village Clinic (Manga)
author [story]Yoshikazu Okada
layout Kei Kunii KotoKoto Kimura (from the tv asahi Thursday TV show NIZI Village Clinic)
Publisher Renta Comics
Genre Manga ,Chapter Release ,Drama ,Slice of Life ,Comedy ,Workplace ,TV Drama / Live-Action
Available since April 05, 2024 (12:00 AM) PT / April 05, 2024 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 14pages (*Note)

US $1.00

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