Good grief. If being a student in an academy filled with subpar mages wasn't enough, they all have superiority complexes to boot. Plus, someone's constantly watching me... Can't a guy catch a break?
Good grief. Was I naive to hope for a peaceful life at the magic academy? I've sure got my hands full, what with my classmates' superiority complexes, Ted's lofty desire to befriend everyone, Eliza mysteriously popping up everywhere I go, and Lilith's inability to separate business and pleasure. If all that wasn't enough, I'm being watched too. I don't know who they are or what they want...but if they're looking for a fight, they're gonna regret it.
Copyright © 2018 by Yusura Kankitsu Illustration by Ruria Miyuki
Series Title | Reincarnated Mage with Inferior Eyes: Breezing through the Future as an Oppressed Ex-Hero (Light Novels) |
Author | Yusura Kankitsu |
Artist | Ruria Miyuki |
Publisher | J-Novel Club |
Genre | Light Novels ,Fantasy ,Isekai (Different/Another World) ,Adventure ,Action ,Magic ,Non-Human ,Full-size Illustration |
Available since | June 12, 2023 (12:00 AM) PT / June 12, 2023 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 117pages (*Note) |
US $7.99
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