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Survival Strategy of a Princess ~A Handsome Prince of the Great Empire Deceived Me Yet He Says He Loves Me Chapter 6 - Manga

  • Manga
  • V-Scroll Comics

  • Chapter Release

Yuta Ayasaki / Raika Fujiwara

About this eBook

The too-clever princess needs to find a hidden diary of a sage in order to save her kingdom! Lots of magic, adventure and love.

One of the most popular novels in "Mahou-no-Airando" website now in vertical-scrolling comic!
Elise, a princess of a small kingdom, Loubeshran, was known all over the continent for her cleverness and beauty. Many nobles and princes have asked her to marry him, but she never said yes. She just cares for peace and prosperity of her kingdom.
Then one day, Klaus, a prince of a large empire, comes to see her. She knows what he is up to. He is asking Elise to release the dragon that is sealed in his land. Elise is the only one who would be able to read the old books to look for the spell...but she is almost sure that the prince is hiding something.

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