Arimura, the manager of the sales division of a publishing house, gets smashed at a welcome party. He's taken home by a new employee temporarily assigned to his division, Yutori, where their relationship instantly heats up. "Know what feels even better than touching yourself...? Being touched by someone else." Seeing his usually straight-laced boss looking so sexy, Yutori is irresistably turned on. And, at Yutori's hand, Arimura is brought to the climax of his pleasure...! "How 'bout we start seeing each other, huh, boss?" Arimura just wants to forget that night, but finds himself being pursued by Yutori... his subordinate with a very different set of values and approach to work.
(C)Fumito/Mobile Media Research
Series Title | Yutori Has His Eye on His Boss' Body |
Author | FUMITO |
Publisher | Mobile Media Research |
Genre | Manga ,Chapter Release ,Boy's Love / Yaoi ,Completed Series ,Workplace |
Available since | May 12, 2021 (12:00 AM) PT / May 12, 2021 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 27pages (*Note) |
US $1.50
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