Can she become an adventurer and avoid the miserable ending? A villainess-reincarnation story with fluffy animals!
One snowy day, a daughter of Count Granzeusu, Serephione -three-years-old- finds a fluffy white tiger covered in blood.
The tiger was a holy beast Loudarylphena (Lou), and when she touched him, Serephione suddenly remembers her previous life.
She was an around-thirty working girl who loved reading fantasy novels. And it looks like she has reincarnated in her favorite novel as a villainess!
"I don't want to be a villainess!"
To avoid all the terrible things that will happen to her, she decides to be an adventurer and travel around the world with Lou.
Sounds fun, but she needs to go through many troubles....
(C)Sakura Tasuke (C)Hiro Oda,Tobi
Series Title | <Serial>Forget Being the Villainess, I Want to Be an Adventurer! (KADOKAWA TATESC) |
Art | Tasuke Sakura |
Story | Hiro Oda |
Character Design | TOBI |
Publisher | KADOKAWA |
Genre | Manga ,Fantasy ,V-Scroll Comics ,Chapter Release |
Available since | March 06, 2024 (12:00 AM) PT / March 06, 2024 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 120pages (*Note) |
US $0.99
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