The tale of running a weak government and full of unexpected surprises!
Wein, a young prince, is in charge of the politics in a weak country with no resources, human resources, or troops.
Together with a young girl named Ninym, who serves as his aide, Wayne shows his brilliant skills as a politician with a secret wish.
"Sell the country and get out of here"!
Yes, Wayne's wish was to live a comfortable life in retirement!
However, his plan took an unexpected turn when his subjects become to favor him making it difficult to fulfill that wish.
The tale of running a weak government and full of unexpected surprises, begins here!
(C)Toru Toba/SB Creative Corp. Original Character Designs:(C)fal maro/SB Creative Corp. (C)Mda/SQUARE ENIX (C)Kentaro Kurimoto/SQUARE ENIX
Series Title | The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt CHAPTER SERIALS (Manga) |
Japanese Title | そうだ、売国しよう〜天才王子の赤字国家再生術〜 (Souda, Baikoku shiyou: Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu) |
Alternative Title | The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt (Hey, How About Treason?) |
Author | Toru Toba / Mda / Kentaro Kurimoto |
Designed by | fal_maro |
Publisher | Manga UP! |
Genre | Manga ,Sci-fi ,Anime ,Fantasy ,Adventure ,Comedy ,Slice of Life ,Chapter Release |
Available since | February 12, 2024 (12:00 AM) PT / February 12, 2024 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 14pages (*Note) |
US $1.99
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