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10 Dance 1 - Manga

  • Manga


About this eBook

Dip into your new obsession in this steamy gay ballroom romance! The beautifully-detailed, lithe bodies of the two “kings of the ballroom” fly across the dance floor as rivals build a volatile bond in this red-hot romance!


Shinya Sugiki, the dashing lord of Standard Ballroom, and Shinya Suzuki, passionate king of Latin Dance: The two share more than just a first name and a love of the sport. They each want to become champion of the 10-Dance Competition, which means they'll need to learn the other's specialty dances, and who better to learn from than the best? But old rivalries die hard, and things get complicated even further when they realize there might be more between them than an uneasy partnership...

Product Details

Series Title 10 Dance
Japanese Title 10DANCE
Author Inouesatoh
Publisher Kodansha
Genre Manga ,Boy's Love / Yaoi ,Sports ,Comedy ,Slice of Life ,Romance ,Drama ,YouTuber Recommendations
Available since January 22, 2019 (12:00 AM) PT / January 22, 2019 (05:00 PM) JST
Page count 230pages (*Note)

US $10.99

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