The Monarch of Destruction and the armies of Chaos have descended upon Earth, leaving nothing but death and carnage in their wake. The fate of humanity lies in the hands of the newly crowned Shadow Monarch, Jinwoo Sung. Who will be the final victor when the dust settles on this timeless feud?And more importantly, will there be anything left of the world to save?
Series Title | [AUDIOBOOK] Solo Leveling (novel) |
By (author) | Chugong |
Read by | Ki Hong Lee |
Publisher | Yen Audio |
Genre | Audiobook ,Shounen ,Fantasy ,Adventure ,Action ,Video Games / Game Adaptation / Game Elements ,Dungeon / Labyrinth ,Winter Anime 2024 |
Available since | October 23, 2023 (12:00 AM) PT / October 23, 2023 (04:00 PM) JST |
Duration | 07:12:05 |
US $25.98
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