In Academy City, trouble is afoot at the prestigious all-girls' school Tokiwadai. Hokaze Junko is being stalked by a ghostly girl who needs Junko's help to find out who--or what--she is, since she has no memory of her own identity. Unfortunately, Junko's investigation into this lost spirit has to take a back seat when her beloved Shokuhou Misaki falls into enemy hands! Is Junko strong enough with her Rampage Dress psychic ability to save her queen?
Kazuma Kamachi / Yasuhito Nogi 2018
Series Title | A Certain Scientific Railgun: Astral Buddy |
Japanese Title | とある科学の超電磁砲外伝 アストラル・バディ (Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Gaiden: Astral Buddy) |
Author | Kazuma Kamachi |
Artist | Yasuhito Nogi |
Publisher | Seven Seas Entertainment |
Genre | Manga ,Comedy ,School Life ,Sci-fi ,Shounen ,Slice of Life ,Mystery ,Spring Anime 2020 ,Video Games / Game Adaptation / Game Elements ,Completed Series ,Anime-adaptation coupon ,Anime adaptation coupon |
Available since | July 23, 2019 (12:00 AM) PT / July 23, 2019 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 204pages (*Note) |
US $9.99
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