Just after their victory, Fernest suffers a major defeat on the northern front. Olivia, Claudia, and Ashton head north to aid the remaining forces, while General Rosenmarie plots her revenge. It's up to Olivia to thwart the empire once more!
All of Fernest is celebrating Olivia and the Seventh Legion's victory at the Battle of Ilys. Their festivities are cut short, however, when news arrives of a disastrous defeat on the northern front. Time is of the essence if they're going to save the remaining Legions before the empire strikes. The mission falls to Olivia, who sets off for the north with Claudia and Ashton in tow.
Lying in wait for them is the empire's General Rosenmarie, along with her Crimson Knights. Hungry for revenge after the death of her beloved General Osvannes, she'll stop at nothing to crush the Seventh Legion.
Can Olivia and the others stop Rosenmarie and her shadowy allies, or are they walking right into a trap?
Copyright © 2018 Maito Ayamine Illustrations by Cierra Cover illustration by Cierra
Series Title | Death's Daughter and the Ebony Blade (Light Novels) |
Japanese Title | 死神に育てられた少女は漆黒の剣を胸に抱く (Shinigami ni Sodaterareta Shoujo wa Shikkoku no Ken wo Mune ni Idaku) |
Alternative Title | The Little Girl Raised by Death Hold the Sword of Death Tight |
Author | Maito Ayamine |
Artist | Cierra |
Publisher | J-Novel Club |
Genre | Light Novels ,Action ,Adventure ,Fantasy ,Romance ,Seinen ,Magic ,Non-Human ,Full-size Illustration ,Royalty/Nobility |
Available since | November 14, 2022 (12:00 AM) PT / November 14, 2022 (05:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 228pages (*Note) |
US $7.99
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