Trained by the same master, Mamoru Hijikata and Teppei Genda are both men driven ruthlessly to pursue justice from opposite ends of the spectrum. Where Genda serves the laws of society, Mamoru dishes out his own brand of retribution. The past has left a gulf between these warriors seemingly impossible to bridge, but there always comes a reckoning...
Series Title | Until Death Do Us Part |
Japanese Title | 死がふたりを分かつまで (Shi ga Futari wo Wakatsu made) |
Alternative Title | UDDUP |
By (author) | Hiroshi Takashige |
By (artist) | DOUBLE-S |
Letterer | AndWorld AndWorld Design |
Translated by | Stephen Paul |
Publisher | Yen Press |
Genre | Manga ,Sci-fi ,Martial Arts ,Fantasy ,Action ,Romance ,Drama ,Completed Series |
Available since | June 30, 2016 (08:00 AM) PT / July 01, 2016 (12:00 AM) JST |
Page count | 434pages (*Note) |
US $12.99
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