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Hell Mode: Volume 2 - Manga

  • Manga

Hamuo / Tetta Enji

About this eBook

Allen's new life as a manservant is filled with exciting discoveries and horrifying monsters, and his Hell Mode growth is slow but steady. Can he overcome his hardships while navigating the political quarrel of rival fiefdoms?

Kenichi Yamada, now Allen, continues his MMORPG life in Hell Mode. As he slowly levels up, he learns just how gradual his growth is compared to others'. From obtaining new Summons and skills to fighting terrifying monsters like a murdergalsh, his life is still filled with discoveries and hardships! And when the white dragon decides to migrate after a century, his situation changes—he's now on the hunt to gain as much XP as possible. In contrast to Allen's determination, however, Mihai, the oldest of the Granvelle children, seems less than thrilled about shouldering his noble house's responsibility. What emotions hide behind his seemingly fearless smile?

Product Details

Series Title Hell Mode (Manga)
Author Hamuo
Artist Tetta Enji
Publisher J-Novel Club
Genre Manga ,Magic ,Adventure
Available since December 27, 2023 (12:00 AM) PT / December 27, 2023 (05:00 PM) JST
Page count 181pages (*Note)

US $8.99

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