DO THEY COME WHEN MISFORTUNE CALLS, OR DO THEY BRING MISFORTUNE WITH THEM?Seiji Tohno sometimes sees the people around him as monsters. It’s a curse that has driven him to a life of despair, living out of net cafés with nowhere to call home…but all that changes one twilit evening when he stumbles across a huge European mansion. There, Seiji meets a bewitchingly beautiful boy dressed in a white peony-print kimono who introduces himself as Shiroshi Saijou. This mysterious young man seems to know more about Seiji than he does himself, and before he knows it, Seiji has agreed to become Shiroshi’s part-time assistant. What he doesn’t know, however, is that Shiroshi’s “proxy service” is to consign yokai-possessed sinners to Hell, which will bring Seiji face-to-face with an unimaginable host of horrors!
Series Title | Hell Is Dark with No Flowers (light novel) |
By (author) | Yoru Michio |
Translated by | Taylor Engel |
Publisher | Yen On |
Genre | Light Novels ,Horror ,Mystery ,Psychological ,Seinen |
Available since | August 20, 2024 (12:00 AM) PT / August 20, 2024 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 169pages (*Note) |
US $8.99
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