Atushi Ikeda is your typical "nice guy". He's so nice, he even has this habit of bringing stray cats home. But even he is quite unprepared for what turns up at his doorstep one day... a cut and bloodied young man. The injured boy turns out to be famous violinist, Riya Narukawa. Seeing the frail Riya arouses Atsushi's compassion for wounded creatures. He decides to look after the young musician, even giving him a key to his apartment in case Riya needs a place of refuge. But Riya has been on his own most of his life and is quite unsure as to how to react to Atsushi's acts of kindness. Worse, Riya actually has another personality within him that is not so frail and timid as his other self. Listen to the duet of Atsushi and Riya as the seeds of attraction begin to blossom between them. Then things come to a crescendo as Riya struggles between his dual personalities. Finally, the symphony builds up as a third wheel surfaces. Truly, "Il Gatto Sul G." is one musical masterpiece to be swept up in.
Series Title | Il gatto sul G (Manga) |
author | Tooko Miyagi |
Publisher | TAIYOH TOSHO |
Genre | Manga ,Boy's Love / Yaoi ,Drama ,Psychological ,School Life ,Music |
Available since | April 05, 2024 (12:00 AM) PT / April 05, 2024 (04:00 PM) JST |
Page count | 227pages (*Note) |
US $6.00
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