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Playing With Sex Toys With My Childhood Friend 5 - Manga

  • Manga
  • Chapter Release

  • Completed

Hazuki Minamino

Playing With Sex Toys With My Childhood Friend 5

About this eBook

My childhood friend is shaking from pleasure with a vibrator... too cute! Handing me an adult toy, she asked me to teach her how to masturbate. Unable to turn her down, I decided to use the vibrator on her. But apparently her body was more sensitive than I thought... a slight stimulation was enough to please her whole body. She was completely wet, and when I played with her chest drenched from sweat, her nipples became erect...! In her room, the restroom, the kitchen... I'm being careful not to let her parents notice, but when I hear her sexy moans... I can't help but do more...!!

  • Please be notified that this is a chapter, not a volume of the series.

Product Details

Series Title Playing With Sex Toys With My Childhood Friend
Author Hazuki Minamino
Publisher Mobile Media Research
Genre Manga ,Completed Series ,Chapter Release
Available since September 04, 2021 (12:00 AM) PT / September 04, 2021 (04:00 PM) JST
Page count 51pages (*Note)

US $2.50

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